
Lloyd W. Landreth - Attorney - Page 2

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Representative past and current matters include:

  • Defense and prosecution of claims related to historic and current saltwater and petroleum hydrocarbon pollution at E&P and midstream facilities on behalf of oil and gas producers
  • Development of natural resource damage claims for federal agencies against PRPs and defense of federal and state claims for natural resource damages on mining, landfill, oil and gas E&P and estuary sites
  • Negotiation and development of environmental agreements with private parties, state and municipal authorities and management of risk-based cleanup activities associated with upgrade and expansion of a jet fueling systems at airports and negotiation of lease terms
  • Defense of federal citizen suit environmental claims against airlines and oil companies associated with terminal, hydrant, refining and pipeline facilities
  • Defense of and enforcement of indemnification obligations associated with environmental claims at industrial, energy and commercial facilities
  • Transactions on behalf of developers for securing groundwater and surface water rights and valuation of water rights
  • Representation of E&P companies on NEPA issues related to oil and gas projects
  • Representation of Indian tribes on various environmental and natural resource matters
  • Administrative litigation regarding NEPA issues on federal lands.

Other Representative Matters / Publications and Presentations

Available on Request


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